Sunday, February 15, 2009

top 5 responses of the public

when i'm patrolling the airport, i get alot of interesting reactions when people see me, with the big rifle and wearing all my stuff. just thought i'd share them.

they're in no order of.. frequency. just as i think of them i type them.

The most common of all would be when kids are misbehaving, or playing la. then their parents will be like 'eh better behave urself ah otherwise police come catch you!"
yesyes, ill waste my time to go catch some misbehaving kid.

When kids are playing and they suddenly see us, their eyes will light up and they'll have 2 kinda responses:
a) the shy type
- eyes wide open, a look of awe and fascination spreads across their face. some will be v shy then like hide behind their parents. those damn cute la! ill like give an encouraging smile to them (tho i'm not supposed to smile. act fierce ma.)
b) the annoying type
-they'll say something to disturb , like 'bang bang'! or just some playful gesture.
when i told chris this she was like 'isn't that cute?' but it's not ! it's like the naughty kind.
these kind i just GLARE at them with my fierce face. then most of them instantly clam up and scared. wahaha.

"Is his gun real or fake?"
-_- stupid question. yes yes, we guard the airport from potential terrorists with fake guns so that if they actually do attack we'll.. wave the gun around in their face to scare them away! very effective right! like how they wave bomb then scare us also!

Directions. Alot of people ask us for directions. Which is perfectly fine la, not that i mind, just that i'm super not used to it and ill always be momentarily stunned for a few seconds before thinking of an answer. cos they usually ask the police ma.

Oh, and something interesting happened just 2 days ago. while patrolling these 3 girls were walking towards us.. I was looking at one of them cos she was wearing some class jersey so i trying to see which school. then they completely ignored the police guy with us (he walks in front) and suddenly veered towards me.

Girl in jersey: "Scuse me, do you know where's the Sakaesushi?"
Me : -stunned - . . . 'oh hang on ah...'
cos i had no idea, so i turned to the police guy for help.
Police : "oh the one here closed down already, there's one at T3!' (we were at t1)

now this is the weird part - when he finished talking, the girls TURNED TO ME and completely ignored the police!
Girl : "huh t3 ah? t2 dont have meh? i thought t2 have!"
as if I was the one who said it, and they were totally ignoring the policeman

me : "er .. ya i think so.. . . " -randomly mumbles -. i blur already la! i not sure also. and it was damn weird that 3 of them just wanna talk to me. they din even ask the army guy next to me too.

girls - " ok thanks!!"
And then the girl at the back waved excitedly when i smiled and nodded a welcome, in the manner like.. very excited to get to talk to us lidat.

Then as we resumed our patrol.. the police and army guy start laughing at me say the girls only interested in talking to me.. blabla. say they hinting to meet at sakae or something lol. made me feel good for sure :p

5) ok i cant think of a 5th regular response, but the rest is like, random little things la. like sometimes when a local is with a foreigner he'll start explaining why we are patrolling, blablabla.
And some parents will be like 'see army ! when u grow up you'll be like that!"
sad case.
and the random 'police! army!' exclamations of parents to their little kids to excite them. yknow , in the same manner they'd say " look! butterfly!"

ah, i dont want this to end. i love guarding the airport.